Car Registration

TALLERES SIEDEL, body shop and the ideal garage to replace your headlights

If you want to register your UK right hand drive vehicle in Spain, one of the most common changes you’ll…

3 years ago

Registering your vehicle with DGT Tráfico – proof of address

If you’re buying a Spanish car or registering a foreign vehicle with the traffic authorities (DGT - Dirección General de…

4 years ago

5 important things to consider before registering your UK vehicle in Spain

If you're a UK passport holder planning a relocation to Spain, one of the main decisions you'll need to make…

4 years ago

Still need to put your UK registered vehicle onto Spanish plates in Andalucia?

We have some good news for you! As we reported last week on our January YouTube update, since 1st January,…

4 years ago

Can you save the tax when moving to Spain and registering a car?

If you are planning to permanently relocate to Spain and apply to become a Spanish resident, you may well be…

4 years ago

Importing your UK registered car into Spain post-Brexit

With the UK leaving the EU, from 1st January 2021 the status of UK registered vehicles within Europe changed overnight,…

4 years ago

Taking your vehicle for an ITV test in El Palo – Malaga

How and where to take your vehicle for an ITV test in Malaga city (West).

4 years ago

Taking your vehicle for an ITV test in Algarrobo

How and where to take your vehicle for an ITV test in Algarrobo.

4 years ago

Taking your vehicle for an ITV test in the Guadalhorce Valley

How and where to take your vehicle for an ITV test in the Guadalhorce Valley.

4 years ago