Living in Spain

Tarjeta 65 in Andalucia – discount card for the over 65’s

Find out more about the discounts and benefits for over 65s with the Tarjeta 65

5 years ago

Taking your vehicle for an ITV test in Malaga city – El Viso

How and where to take your vehicle for an ITV test in Malaga city (East).

5 years ago

Padron – Estepona – How and where to make an online appointment This article is all about how to make an online appointment for registering on the Padron and getting your…

5 years ago

Padron – Mijas – How and where to make an online appointment

How to make an online appointment for registering on the Padron in Mijas

5 years ago

Healthcare in Spain – what is the Convenio Especial?

One of the key requisites for legal residency in Spain is access to healthcare, either registration on the excellent public…

5 years ago

NIE number, what do you need it for and how do you get one?

What is an NIE and what do you need it for? All you need to know N.I.E. stands for Número de…

5 years ago

Padron – Fuengirola – How and where to make an online appointment

In a previous article we detailed why you need to be on the Padron (similar to Electoral Roll in the…

5 years ago

Padron certificate – What is it, how to get one and why do you need it?

What is the padron?In a nutshell, the Padron is roughly equivalent to the Electoral Register in the UK; a list…

5 years ago

Healthcare requirements to get residency in Spain

An important part of the application process to gain the right to residency in Spain is proving that you have…

5 years ago