We know that Spain loves to party and next week, two Bank Holidays combine to give even more time to have fun!
6th December – Spain’s Constitution day – Día de la Constitución
Celebrated on December 6th, Spain’s Dia de la Constitución is a national holiday commemorating the 1978 referendum, in which a huge majority of the Spanish population (88%) approved Spain’s new Constitución.
It’s hard to overstate how radical a change the Constitución brought to Spain, after 40 years of dictatorship under the regime of Francisco Franco. Although the transition didn’t happen overnight, Spaniards are rightly proud of their Constitución and the commitment to “freedom, justice and equality” that it represents.
Comprising 169 articles, four additional provisions and nine transitory provisions, the Constitución is one of the longest in Europe and was grammatically revised by Nobel Prize winner Camilo José Celathe, so we know there are no mistakes!
In Madrid, political leaders take to the steps of the Congreso de los Diputados to honour the day with speeches, the raising of the flag and a parade along the Plaza de Colon. Most Town Halls follow suit with their own celebrations, which usually take place in the morning, paving the way for the population to get together for a late lunch and enjoy the day with the family.
8th December – Día de la Inmaculada Concepción
A significant holiday throughout the Catholic world, the Day of the Immaculate Conception is celebrated on the 8th December every year.
This day is the unofficial start to the Christmas celebrations, which stretch out way beyond the 25th December all the way to Three Kings on the 6th January.
A lot of Spaniards take advantage of this opportunity for a “puente” by booking the 7th December off work, meaning a 5-day break in 2021! Although the day itself doesn’t really include parades or processions, families gather for a special meal and to have a good time together, planning the Christmas festivities and shopping for Christmas presents on the spare Tuesday.