Golden Visa

Golden Visa

If you’re investing in Spain, this Visa could be for you.  

The Golden Visa, invest in Spain and enjoy the luxury of flexible living in the Mediterranean

If you are investing in a property in Spain with a value of more than €500,000, buying shares in a company or making a deposit in a Spanish bank of at least €1,000,000 or making an investment of €2,000,000 or more in Spanish Public debt, then you could qualify for an investor visa in Spain, known as the Golden Visa. 

What are the benefits of a Golden Visa  

  • It will give you the right to work and open a business in Spain
  • Your family members can join you on the Visa scheme
  • You can apply from both the consulate in your home country or in Spain
  • Free entry into Spain with no limit to the minimum amount of days you need to stay in Spain
  • It’s a great start to paving the way for citizenship
  • You can apply from your country of origin or in Spain

We explain the process and requirements in detail before getting started

Fully transparent costs from day one with no hidden surprises

The Golden Visa for British Citizens

Although Golden Visas aren’t a new thing for non-Europeans who wish to live in Spain,  British citizens are now facing for the first time a different process of immigration, so they can happily retire in Spain.
The good news is that Upsticks is here to help. We’ve been at the forefront of all the changes that British citizens have faced during Brexit, the Transition Period and now as third-country nationals, and have helped hundreds of British citizens achieve their goal of retiring to Spain. We were the first to knock on the door of all three Spanish consulates in the UK in London, Manchester and Edinburgh. Furthermore, we have assisted British citizens to find suitable investment properties through our network of estate agents. 

Ready to find out more about a Golden Visa?

If you would like to find out how we can help you with a Golden Visa for Spain, book a call with us today or email