Categories: Spanish ResidencyTIE

S1 applicants registering for residency within the Withdrawal agreement facing stricter rules in Malaga

Important Information for UK citizens registering within the Withdrawal Agreement for the new TIE residency card in Malaga  using an S1 form before the end of 2020. 

The Spanish Immigration authorities have tightened the rules recently regarding proving they are actually residing in Spain. 

What the Law says

Spanish law on the new TIE (tarjeta de identidad extranjero) for UK nationals published on 4th July 2020 stated that the healthcare and economic requirements for UK citizen residency applications received before 31st December 2020 would be the same as the existing 240/2007 EU law. But as an additional requirement the law also stated that British citizens needed to provide: 

Evidence showing that the applicant falls within the personal scope of the Withdrawal Agreement, in particular the beginning of his residence in Spain, and any means of proof admitted by law must be admitted.

A Padron certificate is not enough any more on its own.

Until now all S1  applicants have had success registering for the new TIE card using a Padron certificate, but now the Spanish Immigration authorities are asking for more. They want additional documentary proof to confirm that applicants do actually live in Spain. 

This hasn’t been an uncommon request with other applications that relate to savings and private healthcare but it is the first time we have seen it requested for S1 applicants.

So, what do they want to see? The Immigration Office has been requesting additional documentary proof that the applicant falls within the personal scope of the Withdrawal Agreement i.e. that they are genuinely living in Spain and are clearly intending Spain to be their “home” – not simply registering for residence under the Withdrawal Agreement to mitigate the effects of the UK leaving the EU.

What additional documentary evidence will you need?
Immigration has provided a list of the information that would serve to evidence ‘habitual residence’ in Spain, and they specifically mention ‘Transactions and Operations realized in Spain’, which could be any of the following:

  • Bank transactions and statements with proof of expenditure in Spain
  • Proof of medical or hospital appointments in Spain (including eye tests, dental treatment etc)
  • Contracts of any nature held in Spain (house rental contract, car leasing contract)
  • Contractual evidence of income derived in Spain
  • Utility bills (electric, water, gas, internet) in the same name and address as the applicant
  • Telephone or mobile phone bills/records (Spanish number)
  • Any other bill or service that has been received in Spain (e.g. car purchase, mortgage payments, home improvement work/purchases, fuel purchases, ITV appointments etc)
  • Plane ticket, boarding pass or Passport stamp at the point of entry (could also be ferry ticket, toll road receipts, removal firm invoice)
  • Relations with any public entities, associations or registered clubs in Spain (gyms, cycling clubs, bowling clubs, golf clubs, local authority Spanish lessons, charity committees, Seguridad Social, tax office etc)
  • Any official receipts or documentation that evidence living daily life in Spain.
  • Tax return (IRPF) Spain

Although not specifically stated an official invoice is also good to use. 

When buying anything or using and service in Spain you can request a Factura For services like home improvements purchases like  fuel you can ask for a factura – an official receipt – which should have your name, address, date and ideally NIE number detailed clearly.

You can also ask for a factura for any purchases like domestic electronics, clothes or even at the local Chinese shop or if you make online purchases, be sure to keep the delivery note. The more evidence the better.

The exact wording send by the Sub Delegation of the Spanish Government when making this request is the following: 

Documentación acreditativa de que reside real y efectivamente en España (el certificado de empadronamiento o un título de propiedad de un inmueble, de manera aislada, no son pruebas suficientes para justificar que su residencia real y efectiva se encuentra en España). A título de ejemplo, se relacionan a continuación algunos documentos que pudieran acreditar su
residencia habitual: apuntes de transacciones u operaciones con establecimientos en España en los extractos de movimientos de cuentas bancarias con pagos o gastos en España, justificantes de cita, asistencia médica u hospitalaria en España, contratos de cualquier naturaleza celebrados en España o nóminas o recibos salariales en España, recibos de suministros (luz, agua, gas,
o electricidad de un domicilio en España), recibos de telefonía fija o móvil de un domicilio en España, recibos de televisión o internet así como facturas de cualquier tipo emitidas con un domicilio en España, documentos de entidades públicas o privadas que demuestren haber recibido un servicio en España, billete de avión con entrada en España desde otro Estado, sello de entrada en España en el pasaporte, facturas de trabajo y comprobantes de pago en España, certificados con entidades públicas o privadas donde conste una relación con las mismas en España (con asociaciones, centros de formación…), declaraciones del
IRPF en España…

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