
National Police Foreigner’s Office Algeciras Cadiz

https://youtu.be/-95s6aib4dA?si=Dw3cAQwrrLgiJzfQ If you live in Cadiz and surrounding areas and need to apply for your NIE number, EU residency or…

11 months ago

YouToo Spain – What is the NIE number?

Chris Goodacre and Skatz on the YouToo Spain channel.Great to be back on our regular spot on YouToo Spain, chatting…

2 years ago

National Police station Orihuela town – Foreigner’s office

If you live in Orihuela-Costa and surrounding areas, your NIE, EU residency application or  TIE card appointments will be at…

3 years ago

National Police station Alicante (TIE Campo de Mirra 6) – Foreigner’s office

https://youtu.be/IQSpw-410M4?si=GMA_VjAjPOHubHAL If you live in Alicante city or surrounding areas, then your TIE card appointment could be completed at the…

3 years ago

National Police station Elche – Foreigners office

If you live in Elche and surrounding areas, then your NIE, EU residency or TIE card appointment will be at…

3 years ago