Living in Spain

The Victoria Beer Factory Tour – Malaga

Since moving its factory back to Málaga in 2014, Cervezas Victoria, or Victoria Beers, has truly made its mark on…

2 months ago

Apartados de Correos – PO box in Spain "Apartado de Correos" in Spain functions like a PO Box service in other countries.If you can’t receive post where…

2 months ago

DIGITAL CERTIFICATE – what is it and why you need one

What is a Digital Certificate  in Spain? Also known as the Citizen's or User's Certificate, a Digital Certificate (Certificado Digital…

3 months ago

How to change your address in Spain

If you decide to move house in Spain, as well as friends and family, there’s a fair few services and…

4 months ago

What is a Guiri?

Learning to speak Spanish is crucial when living in Spain and to integrate into Spanish society, but there’s a word…

4 months ago

National Police Foreigner’s Office Algeciras Cadiz If you live in Cadiz and surrounding areas and need to apply for your NIE number, EU residency or…

5 months ago

Understanding the validity of a Padron Certificate in Spain If you're coming to live in Spain, the Padron Certificate is probably one of the most important documents you’ll…

5 months ago

UK PASSPORT VALIDITY – IMPORTANT- Check your passport dates

Since the UK left the European Union, British passport holders have been subject to more stringent rules regarding their travel…

5 months ago

How to get a Padron certificate in ARBOLEAS Almeria simple terms, the Padron in Spain is like the Electoral Register in the UK; it’s a list of residents…

6 months ago

Easter in Malaga – Semana Santa

Lasting from Palm Sunday (Domingo de Ramos) to Easter Sunday (Domingo de Resurrección), Semana Santa (Holy Week) is one of…

6 months ago