
YouToo Spain – What is the NIE number?

Chris Goodacre and Skatz on the YouToo Spain channel. Great to be back on our regular spot on YouToo Spain, chatting with Skatz about the NIE number and giving a full report about our 2022 Upsticks UK tour After a year of entertaining and informative videos, it’s time to get back to basics for people…

A Carvans in the Sun, Showground event – Stafford 2022

Written by Chris Goodacre from Upsticks  After the previous weekend at A Place in the Sun, I felt a lot more confident going into the Caravan in the Sun’s Showground event weekend.  As a pre-event warm-up, I was asked to give a presentation to the Caravans in the Sun team on the Friday afternoon, explaining…

A Place In The Sun Exibition – NEC Birmingham 2022

Written by Chris Goodacre from Upsticks  Taking your business to a large exhibition for the first time isn’t easy, and I have to say that despite my boisterous videos on social media, truth be known I was very nervous. My stress levels weren’t helped when myself and James from LHD Car Buyer rocked up on…