DIGITAL CERTIFICATE – what is it and why you need one

What is a Digital Certificate  in Spain? Also known as the Citizen’s or User’s Certificate, a Digital Certificate (Certificado Digital in Spanish) is a piece of digital code/software that contains your verified  personal details. Think of it as a secure, unique online ID that sits on your device and activates automatically when you need it.…

How to change your address in Spain

If you decide to move house in Spain, as well as friends and family, there’s a fair few services and organisations you will need to inform with your new address details. These are Upsticks top tips on how to change your address in Spain. WHO DO YOU NEED TO TELL? To get you started, this…

Understanding the validity of a Padron Certificate in Spain

If you’re coming to live in Spain, the Padron Certificate is probably one of the most important documents you’ll need, as it’s official proof of address in Spain. There are many common misconceptions surrounding the validity of this essential piece of paper, and we’ll try to clear up any confusion in this article. The importance…

Road Numbers in Spain – All you need to know

Whether you’re planning a road trip or simply travelling from A to B, it’s vital that you understand the road numbering system in Spain and what the various letters, colours and numbers mean. As a general rule, blue is motorways, red is national highways (roughly equivalent to UK A roads) and C are rural roads.…


We’re always on the look out for apps and services to make life in Spain that little bit easier and the Bip&Drive app fits the bill perfectly. For people who regularly drive around Europe, you’re probably already acquainted with the Bip&Go French toll road app that pays tolls automatically so you don’t have to stop…