DIGITAL CERTIFICATE – what is it and why you need one

What is a Digital Certificate  in Spain? Also known as the Citizen’s or User’s Certificate, a Digital Certificate (Certificado Digital in Spanish) is a piece of digital code/software that contains your verified  personal details. Think of it as a secure, unique online ID that sits on your device and activates automatically when you need it.…

Preparing for Life’s Unexpected Moments in Spain

Ah, Spain! A land of sun-soaked beaches, vibrant fiestas, and mouth-watering paellas. But while many of us dream of the laid-back Mediterranean lifestyle, it’s essential to be prepared for life’s unexpected twists and turns, especially when living abroad. In this article, we’ll delve into the importance of planning for unforeseen circumstances in Spain, ensuring that…

Do You Need a Spanish Bank Account for a Non-Lucrative Visa? Your Questions Answered This question is often asked by clients who are going through the application process for a non-lucrative visa (NLV), but it applies to anyone who is looking to live permanently in Spain. 1. Initial NLV Application and Spanish Bank Account: Having a Spanish bank account is not essential for the initial NLV application. The…

5 top tips when retiring to Spain

When retiring to Spain as well as making sure your residency paperwork is all in order, there are of course many other elements you need to organise and put in place. Here are Upsticks’ five top tips of things you should keep in mind when making the move to Spain. This video about retiring in…

The Benefits of Using a Currency Transfer Company for Your Move to Spain

Hola! Are you planning a move to the sun-drenched landscapes of Spain? Whether it’s the draw of golden beaches, vibrant cities, or a laid-back lifestyle, one thing is for sure – managing your finances wisely is absolutely key. Using an established foreign currency exchange company can make your move smoother, more efficient, and could potentially…