New card for UK tourists to access emergency healthcare in Spain – the GHIC

Sunny Spain is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, with the British making up the largest proportion of visitors, reaching a peak of over 18 million sunseekers in 2019. Up to the end of 2020, the EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) granted UK passport holders access to emergency health care during…

5 important things to consider before registering your UK vehicle in Spain

If you’re a UK passport holder planning a relocation to Spain, one of the main decisions you’ll need to make is whether (or not!) to import your vehicle into Spain as part of your “change of residence”. Here are 5 important things to consider before you decide to register your UK vehicle in Spain. 1)…

Relocating to Spain with your pet from outside the EU

Moving lock stock and barrel to another country is a serious undertaking and needs plenty of prior planning and preparation, involving the whole family – and that of course includes pets. In this article we’re going to focus on bringing pets (dogs, cats, ferrets and birds) from non-EU countries – the rules are different if…