Mad as a March Hare…… or is it Modelo 720 time.

March is certainly the mad season for people contacting me in a panic about filing their Modelo 720. Who has to file it, what do I file, I’ve done one before and do I have to do it again, or do I have to payany tax? And on and on the questions go. Hopefully, I…

What’s the difference between an NIE and TIE ?

If you plan on moving to Spain, you’ve probably heard the terms “NIE” and “TIE” thrown around. These terms can be confusing, especially if you’re unfamiliar with Spanish bureaucracy. In this article, we’ll explain the difference between NIE and TIE and why you need them as a foreigner in Spain. What is NIE? NIE stands…

IPREM and the NLV – check out the figures for 2023 The non-lucrative visa income and savings requirements are based on a system called IPREM, read on to find out more about how this affects your visa application and renewals In 2023, IPREM increased to €600 per month and this has pushed up the financial requirements for both an initial visa application and renewals.  The…