National Police station Baza (Granada) – Foreigner’s office

If you live near Baza or surrounding areas, your appointment for your TIE card will be at the Foreigner’s Office (Extranjería) of the National Police Station (Comisaria de Policía) in Baza city centre.  The building itself wouldn’t look out of place in a Harry Potter movie. Unlike the modern buildings in Almeria or Marbella, this…

National Police station Cordoba – Foreigner’s office

If you live in Córdoba province, appointments for NIE, EU residency or TIE cards will be at the Foreigner’s Office (Extranjería) of the National Police Station (Comisaria de Policía) in Córdoba city centre.  The building itself, to be honest, isn’t one of the best looking in the city but serves its purpose well.  The address…

What is a swallow?

A swallow, a beautiful migrating bird that spends the winter in one country and summer in another. These are pretty birds, with colourful plumage and are voracious consumers of pesky insects, from moths to mosquitos. “Swallow” is also a term used for people, those who migrate south for a warmer winter and return home with…

How to renew your non lucrative visa (NLV) for Spain

Want to renew your non-lucrative visa (NLV) for Spain? Find out how to meet the requirements After jumping through all the hoops to be granted your non-lucrative visa (NLV) for Spain, if you want to renew it with the intention of becoming a permanent resident after five years, the last thing you’ll want to do…