How to renew your non lucrative visa (NLV) for Spain

Want to renew your non-lucrative visa (NLV) for Spain? Find out how to meet the requirements After jumping through all the hoops to be granted your non-lucrative visa (NLV) for Spain, if you want to renew it with the intention of becoming a permanent resident after five years, the last thing you’ll want to do…

Spain’s National holiday – 12th October – La Fiesta Nacional de España

Traditionally referred to as the Día de la Hispanidad, Spain’s National Day is the most important date for most Spanish in the national holiday calendar. Celebrated on 12th October, it has its origins in 1892 as a celebration of the discovery of the Americas by Christopher Columbus. It is especially important this year, as it’s…

Being a good neighbour in Spain – the Gecor app

With the best will in the world, your local Town Hall (Ayuntamiento) and the teams responsible for keeping things ship shape in your municipality, can’t be everywhere at once. Local authorities rely on citizens to keep them updated about issues and the Gecor app is a great way of doing this. Funded by the Spanish…

Registering your NIE number with the Spanish Tax Agency – Modelo 030

When moving lock, stock and barrel to another country, a huge part of the process is packing up your worldly goods and getting them transported to your new home. In order to do this successfully in Spain, there’s a very important process you’ll need to complete – registering a Modelo 030 tax form with the…

Document quality is the key to success with Spanish public administration

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression” With the demise of the face-to-face appointment, where you could speak up for yourself and argue the toss if necessary, your documents now have to do the talking for you. The move to online for everything, means that the quality of the documents you…