Tyres and passing the ITV: Upsticks top tips on all things tyres

Tyres are one of the most scrutinized aspects of the ITV inspection. Here are Upsticks top tips on what the technicians are looking for and how to avoid a fail. General condition of tyres AND rims, visual check The first thing on the list is a visual check of the tyres and the rims. A…

Driving in Spain – what is IVTM road tax?

If you own any sort of vehicle (van, car, motorcycle etc) that’s going to be driving around on Spanish roads, you’ll need to pay IVTM. What is IVTM? Known in Spain by the catchy title of “Impuesto Sobre Vehículos de Tracción Mecánica”, thankfully shortened to IVTM, it’s the equivalent of the UK’s Road Fund Licence…

TALLERES SIEDEL, body shop and the ideal garage to replace your headlights

If you want to register your UK right hand drive vehicle in Spain, one of the most common changes you’ll need to arrange is swapping the headlights. While this might sound like a real challenge, the key is having a trustworthy and reliable mechanic on hand to take care of this for you. Fortunately, Jesus…

Registering your vehicle with DGT Tráfico – proof of address

If you’re buying a Spanish car or registering a foreign vehicle with the traffic authorities (DGT – Dirección General de Tráfico) in Spain you’ll need to provide proof of address. Depending on your circumstances, there are three ways to meet this requirement: Padrón Certificate – Certificado de empadronamiento By far the best way to prove…

New V-16 emergency light replaces warning triangles for vehicle breakdowns

New V-16 emergency light replaces warning triangles for vehicle breakdowns If you’re unlucky enough to break down on Spanish roads, it’s long been a legal requirement to use warning triangles to make other drivers aware that there’s a hazard. However, getting out of a stranded vehicle on a busy highway to place these triangles wasn’t…