NIE number, what do you need it for and how do you get one?

What is an NIE and what do you need it for? All you need to know N.I.E. stands for Número de Identidad de Extranjero, Foreigner’s Identification Number. Why do you need one? Most transactional or official processes in Spain like buying a property or buying a car require that you have an NIE number. Where do you…

Padron – Fuengirola – How and where to make an online appointment

In a previous article we detailed why you need to be on the Padron (similar to Electoral Roll in the UK) for residency and a bit of background on how to apply for the Padron Certificate. Here, we’ll go into more detail about how you make an online appointment in Fuengirola and what information you’ll…

Padron certificate – What is it, how to get one and why do you need it?

What is the padron?In a nutshell, the Padron is roughly equivalent to the Electoral Register in the UK; a list of people resident in a town or area. Its full name in Spanish is Certificado de Empadronamiento. If you are registered on the Padron you are considered to be Empadronado. How do I register on the…

Healthcare requirements to get residency in Spain

An important part of the application process to gain the right to residency in Spain is proving that you have suitable healthcare cover. The National Police station in Fuengirola published a notice explaining the healthcare requirements and we’ve translated the information into bite-size pieces for you. They start by saying why they have published the…