
How to get a Padron certificate in ARBOLEAS Almeria In simple terms, the Padron in Spain is like the Electoral Register in the UK; it’s a list of residents in a town or area. The full name in Spanish is Certificado de Empadronamiento, but most people just refer to it as the Padron and once you’re officially registered you are “Empadronado”.  Not only…

Easter in Malaga – Semana Santa

Lasting from Palm Sunday (Domingo de Ramos) to Easter Sunday (Domingo de Resurrección), Semana Santa (Holy Week) is one of the most important annual cultural and religious events in Spain. Although each Spanish region, and even city and village, has its own customs and practices for Easter, Andalucia takes the top spot for spectacular processions.…

How to register your Non Lucrative Visa in Spain – 5 top tips

Congratulations! You’ve got your visa in your passport and you’re on your way to a new life in the sun – woo.-hooo! Y enhorabuena! Here are Upsticks 5 top tips for what comes next – registering your NLV in Spain  Top Tip 1 – Check your visa document First and foremost you must  make sure…

Road Numbers in Spain – All you need to know

Whether you’re planning a road trip or simply travelling from A to B, it’s vital that you understand the road numbering system in Spain and what the various letters, colours and numbers mean. As a general rule, blue is motorways, red is national highways (roughly equivalent to UK A roads) and C are rural roads.…

The 1973 Norton Commando Tale – Peter Baldasera

Peter and Ruth Baldasera were two of Upsticks first NLV clients back in 2021 and it’s safe to say they have embraced their new life in the sun with gusto. Both big motoring fans, they didn’t wait for the UK driving licence agreement and (in another first for Upsticks clients) took their Spanish driving tests…