
Padron certificate – What is it, how to get one and why do you need it?

What is the padron?In a nutshell, the Padron is roughly equivalent to the Electoral Register in the UK; a list of people resident in a town or area. Its full name in Spanish is Certificado de Empadronamiento. If you are registered on the Padron you are considered to be Empadronado. How do I register on the…

The new TIE residency cards for British citizens

It’s been a busy couple of days since the new ruling regarding British citizens who wish to register as residents in Spain under the terms of the Withdrawal Agreement was published last Saturday. We’ve been speaking to National Police stations, with Foreign Office departments and provincial headquarters. The new process The Spanish Government has set…

British citizens say goodbye to the EU style residency card

Yesterday we were informed by the National Police that as of the 1st of July 2020, British citizens will no longer be issued with the EU style residency card (little green card) known as the Certificado deregistro de ciudadano de la Union and in future will be able to apply for the Tarjeta de Identidad…