YouToo Spain – What is the NIE number?

Chris and Skatz talk about the NIE number

Chris Goodacre and Skatz on the YouToo Spain channel.

Great to be back on our regular spot on YouToo Spain, chatting with Skatz about the NIE number and giving a full report about our 2022 Upsticks UK tour

After a year of entertaining and informative videos, it’s time to get back to basics for people who are planning to move to Spain in the next few years.

The NIE number Número de Identidad de Extranjero is an essential part of moving to Spain, and it’s important to when you need one and what it is for. 

We have plenty of interesting articles relating to the NIE number on our news feed which you can access by clicking here.

Or alternatively, check out our own Youtube NIE playlist

Enjoy the video! 

The information in this article was current on the date published.
Article last reviewed 09.10.2022

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