
Can I remotely apply for Spanish residency from the UK?

You can’t apply for Spanish residency remotely from the UK. You have to be at the appointment in person because the the National police agent who reviews your file will by verifying who you are against your original passport. During the appointment, with our assistance you don’t actually have to say anything.  The person who…

How long does it take to get Spanish Residency?

While the actual appointment itself can take as little as half an hour, the work in getting Spanish residency is the actual preparation of the file and documentation itself. The requirements can vary in different areas of Spain, as does the availability of appointments. Areas with a higher expat population, tend to have more readily…

What documents do I need for Spanish Residency?

The documents you need for Spanish residency are very specific to your personal situation and can be quite endless, depending on your situation. I’ll try and summarize in a short blog. First and foremost, there are some documents which everybody needs for their Spanish residency application. You definitely have to have  a valid passport. And…

Do I qualify for Spanish Residency?

Spanish residency is a complicated thing to qualify for, but as long as you’ve got all your cards in a row, you can get it done. The first thing to consider when you’re looking to take Spanish residency is obviously make sure that you need it. The Spanish government require that anybody who spends more…

What is a Ficha Tecnica Reducida? What is a Ficha Tecnica Reducida? A ‘ficha tecnica reducida’ is a technical document which includes the specifications of a vehicle and is produced by a qualified technician. Amongst other things, it specifies the dimensions, power output, engine size, emissions, tyre specifications, the weight of the vehicle, VIN plate location and much more.  What…