Padron certificate – What is it, how to get one and why do you need it?

What is the padron? In a nutshell, the Padron is roughly equivalent to the Electoral Register in the UK; a list of people resident in a town or area. Its full name in Spanish is Certificado de Empadronamiento. If you are registered on the Padron you are considered to be Empadronado. How do I register…

Essential documents to carry in your car when driving in Spain

If you are driving a Spanish registered vehicle in Spain, there are four mandatory documents you must carry in the car.  A valid driving licence  the vehicle’s Permiso de Circulación  the Tarjeta de Inspección Técnica del Vehículo Up to date ITV pass certificate if applicable   You need to carry the originals with you at all…

What is an ITV test and when do I need one?

The ITV (Inspección técnica de vehículos) is the Spanish vehicle roadworthiness test, like the MOT in the UK. The frequency of  the test depends on the category and age of the vehicle. Once you have imported a vehicle into Spain (or if you already have one registered in Spain), it’s liable for periodic inspections. Most…

Private Health Care – requirements for Residency in Spain

Who needs private health care cover? If you’re planning to live in Spain and applying for residency, but won’t be working or haven’t yet reached State Pension age, then you’re going to need private health insurance for you and your family. What sort of policy will you need? The Foreigner’s Office is pretty strict when…