National Police Foreigner’s Office Algeciras Cadiz

If you live in Cadiz and surrounding areas and need to apply for your NIE number, EU residency or TIE card,  your appointment could be at the Foreigner’s Office (Extranjeria) of the National Police Station (Comisaria de Policia) in Algeciras. The address is: National Police DNI/Pasaporte, Avenida Fuerzas Armadas, 11202 Algeciras Here is a LINK…

Understanding the validity of a Padron Certificate in Spain

If you’re coming to live in Spain, the Padron Certificate is probably one of the most important documents you’ll need, as it’s official proof of address in Spain. There are many common misconceptions surrounding the validity of this essential piece of paper, and we’ll try to clear up any confusion in this article. The importance…

How to get a Padron certificate in ARBOLEAS Almeria In simple terms, the Padron in Spain is like the Electoral Register in the UK; it’s a list of residents in a town or area. The full name in Spanish is Certificado de Empadronamiento, but most people just refer to it as the Padron and once you’re officially registered you are “Empadronado”.  Not only…

How to get a Padron certificate in Guardamar del Segura – Alicante

In simple terms, the nearest equivalent to a Padron is the Electoral Register in the UK – a list of residents in a town or area. The complete name in Spanish is Certificado de Empadronamiento, but most people just call it a Padron certificate. Registering on the Padron means you’re officially living in that town,…

Do You Need a Spanish Bank Account for a Non-Lucrative Visa? Your Questions Answered This question is often asked by clients who are going through the application process for a non-lucrative visa (NLV), but it applies to anyone who is looking to live permanently in Spain. 1. Initial NLV Application and Spanish Bank Account: Having a Spanish bank account is not essential for the initial NLV application. The…